Wednesday, September 16, 2009

WDW Tip of the Day

Alright, alright, alright!

When I was on my program I worked in the Magic Kingdom, Columbia Harbor House to be more exact. Never heard of it, that's fine apparently not many people have. When I worked in there I actually got a lot of guests asking such priceless questions as: "When did they put a restaurant here?", "Is this Frontierland?" and my personal favorite "Is this the line for the Haunted Mansion?" (CLASSIC).

But I digress. This is a ride tip and a particularly amazing one at that.

It took me about two weeks into my program to realize that there is a span of about 25 minutes where you can ride Splash Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain as many times as you want with no wait......and this isn't simply by getting to the park early in the morning. Here it is. Set yourself up in either Fantasyland, Liberty Square (Mansion and CHH side), or actually in Frontierland (BTM and SM side) when Spectromagic begins. When the parade passes through that area a "magical" thing happens. The parade closes all but one entrance into the Frontierland ride area. What this does is it prevents guests from entering the area from all areas except the bridge that runs along the Rivers of America but at the same time guests already at that area know where to leave from, again along the Rivers of America. During this time you can ride two of the three mountains of the Magic Kingdom with no wait at all.

This tip allowed me to finish every night in the Magic Kingdom with a drop down Chik-a-pin hill and right into the Briar Patch. It is also good to note that at this time as well the Haunted Mansion has not wait.

Here's a picture showing the area I'm talking about. The path is marked in black. Commit it to memory and you wont have to wait in line again.

Next week:How to get on Peter Pan's Flight with no wait, here's a hint....... It's not possible

Have a Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah-Day!


  1. One...BRILLIANT!
    Two...I'm a sucker and would kinda rather watch the parade for the 100 gagillionth time.
    Three...HAHAHAHAHAHA to PPF! SO TRUE! FP = Fast way to get in another epic line!

  2. Thanks I appreciate that and yeah how crazy is that line for Peter Pan? That is actually one of the reasons they stated for this new fantasyland upgrade and refurb.... One of the presenters described the experience as "The smallest people wait in the longest line for the shortest ride......I dunno of any way to ride it short of arriving at the Magic Kingdom before dawn
