Thursday, September 24, 2009

Think About It.


There are many good things about the Disney College Program but probably the neatest thing is getting to meet, live, and work with other college students from around the world. During my program I worked with kids from France, China, Romania, England, Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, and few other countries. I actually worked with a student from the Netherlands at EPCOT that spoke nine languages (INSANE). Oh and this one time……wait what? My point? Oh yeah my point is this, it would behoove you to try to familiarize yourself with some different cultures before you head out. I’m not saying that you have to be able to identify every body of water in the country or to learn to speak a bunch of foreign languages fluently but just have a basic understanding of where they are coming from. Try to focus on the big countries (England, France, China, Brazil) but if you have the time explore other cultures. I tell you from experience, they do appreciate the effort to make them feel more welcome (Oh and if you are an ICP student coming to America and you think it’s weird, just humor us). So here it goes:

What you should know
-Where the country is
-What the capital and or two or three other big cities
-At least three interesting facts (good ice breaker)

Learn to say in the language (another good ice breaker)
-How are you?
-I’m doing (good, bad, okay)
-Thank You
-I just saw a platypus highjack a blue Prius in the Magic Kingdom parking lot. (just in case)

Good luck and enjoy. Oh and have a Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah-Day!!!


  1. This is a GREAT point that I never thought of!

    Someone asked me where Albania was the other day. I said Eastern Europe. He said duh, laughed (in a really mean way) and basically told me I was a liar for saying I knew where it was.

    Don't want THAT experience ever again.

  2. Ah yes, the great principality of Albania located in the southern most tip of Antartica.....home of the Eiffel Tower

  3. Rotfl. You should be a comedian!

  4. I was re-reading your blog and I thought I should mention that if anybody is wodering how to say "I just saw a platypus highjack a blue Prius in the Magic Kingdrom parking lot" in's:

    Acabo de ver a un ornitorrinco robarse un Prius azul en el estacionamiento del Reino Mágico.

    So now nobody has an excuse to not be able to say this...except pronounciation problems...

  5. Lyanne, America thanks you for that gem.

  6. hahaha!! I would love to hear somebody trying to pronounce that. It must be priceless. ;)

  7. I am going to memorize just so I can walk up to random cast members at the Magic Kingdom and tell them.
